About the Springfield-Clark County Safety Council
If you have ever had to contact an employee's family about an accident, we don't need to remind you of the importance of maintaining a safe workplace.
“Forty one years ago, I returned to Clark County after college to go into the electrical contracting business. Like many other chamber members, I poured all my time, talent and treasure into growing my business. About a year ago, I was talking to some Triec people about how many workers had suffered fatal workplace injuries by electrocution. We counted 8 people who lost their lives at work from electrocution in Clark County over the last 41 years. Then I thought how horrible it would be for one of our people to die as a result of working for us. It would make the last 41 years of hard work seem meaningless. I used this thought to inspire me to increase our efforts in workplace safety. Maybe the thought of someone dying, as a result of working for you, would also inspire you to increase your efforts in workplace safety.”
- Scott Yeazell, Triec Electrical Services
The Springfield-Clark County Safety Council provides you with resources and information to maintain a safe and healthy workplace, allows you to network and gain valuable information from your peers, provides money saving programs for your company and gives you instant access to training programs on the local and state levels.
Why Join the Springfield-Clark County Safety Council?
Since 1997, the Springfield-Clark County Safety Council has been committed to providing safety information, training and recognition to local businesses with the goal of achieving workplace safety awareness. Whether your business is manufacturing, service or retail, large or small, the Safety Council offers programs for you.
The Springfield-Clark County Safety Council meets monthly to offer programs to help resolve potential and existing programs. Quarterly seminars address a variety of needs. As a member, you will have access to the opinions and advice of fellow regional safety professionals 24 hours a day via access to the L-Soft online system, free to every Safety Council member.
To be rebate-eligible you are required to attend 10 meetings.
The local BWC-Division of Safety & Hygiene liaison attends Safety Council meetings and provides updates and is available for your questions.
For assistance, please contact Nancy Wintrow at 325-7621 or e-mail nwintrow@greaterspringfield.com.
Safety Council Rebate Eligibility
The Springfield-Clark County Safety Council
- Sponsored by the BWC Division of Safety & Hygiene as a program of the Greater Springfield Partnership
- Attracts top local companies who provide peer-to-peer advice and networking opportunities
- Promotes workplace safety awareness
- Supports community health and safety programming
“Safety is a full-time job. Don't make it a part-time practice.”
- Justin Hayes, Safety Manager, Benjamin Steel Co.
“We need to make personal safety a value in our corporate lives. Many organizations do see safety as a priority. Yet, as humans, we know that like life, priorities change with time. That’s why safety and health must become a personal and organizational VALUE. This needs to be a value that is believed in from the “top” down. Values, unlike priorities, do not change.”
- Kimberly Elliott